That they may be one: a pilgrimage towards unity
By Anna Feola
June 23, 2019
Some pilgrimages are highly sought after and anticipated. There is excitement and yearning for adventure and spiritual growth. Others are unexpected, undesirable even; interior pilgrimages that lead through dark places and leave one asking, “When did I sign up for this?” My unwanted pilgrimage began the day Anthony, my husband of 14 years, announced the Lord was calling him back home to the Catholic Church... Read more.
Interreligious dialogue in the Catholic Church
By Don Mitchell
April 7, 2019
The Second Vatican Council document on other religions, Nostra Aetate, is the foundation of the Catholic Church’s interreligious dialogue. Among other things, Nostra Aetate states: “In our time, when day-by-day mankind is being drawn closer together ... the Church examines more closely her relationship to non-Christian religions. In her task of promoting unity and love among men, indeed among nations, she considers above all in this declaration what men have in common and what draws them to fellowship... Read more.
Our diocesan response to Christ’s prayer for unity
By Deacon James B. Rush
January 13, 2019
Bishop Timothy L. Do-herty assigns each deacon to a particular ministry distinct from the responsibilities associated with his assigned parish. Upon my ordination in September of 2013, I was assigned to be the representative for our diocesan Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations. Certainly a mouthful! In lay-men’s terms, ecumenism relates to our fellow Christians and the term interreligious refers to our relationship with other faith traditions, such as our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters... Read more.
Carmel parish continues series of interreligious dialogues
By Deacon James B. Rush
October 28, 2018
As part of an ongoing series of dialogues, St. Elizabeth Seton Parish hosted members of the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation and Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Carmel this month. More than 100 people were in attendance for this particular discussion, titled “Honoring God through the Millennia.” “Over the last several years, our parish has been engaged in a dialogue with our Jewish, Orthodox and Protestant brethren,” said Father Ted Rothrock, pastor of St. Elizabeth Seton... Read more on page 10.
‘My prayer tonight: Fix our eyes on you, Jesus’
By Caroline B. Mooney
January 28, 2018
The fifth annual prayer service celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity drew faithful from more than a dozen area churches together on Jan. 16 at Evangelical Covenant Church. Bishop Timothy L. Doherty joined other faith leaders for the ecumenical prayer service, which had the theme “Your Right Hand, O Lord, Glorious in Power” (Exodus 15:6). The International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was held Jan. 18-25... Read more on pages 1 and 9.
‘Christ is the uniting factor’
By Caroline B. Mooney
October 29, 2017
More than 200 Catholics and Protestants listened to Bishop Timothy L. Doherty and the Rev. John Armstrong speak on “The Reformation: Common Ground?” on Oct. 17 at Duncan Hall. “It’s hard for us to appreciate how compressed a story most of us got as young people about why the churches were different,” Bishop Doherty said. “We don’t tend to think of the political and theological atmosphere of that time...” Read more on pages 1 and 3.