Hickey, Niall
Ecclesiastical Tribunal
Secretary and Notary
Phone: (765) 474-0506
Hlavek, Gabby
Office of Communications
Director of Communications, Editor
Phone: (765) 269-4613
Hoefer, Susan
Office of Pastorate Life Services
NFP & Respect Life Coordinator
Phone: (765) 421-1998
Kalu, JCL, Father Samuel J.
Ecclesiastical Tribunal
Associate Judge First Instance
Phone: (765) 474-0506
Krockover, Missy
Director of Pastorate Life Services
Phone: (765) 269-4605
Lausten, Jeanne
Human Resources Office Director, and
Safe Environment Coordinator
Phone: (765) 269-4604
MacNulty, Mike
Director of Stewardship & Development
Phone: (765) 269-4607
Mahaney, Ashley
Stewardship & Event Coordinator
Phone: (765) 269-4609
McKillip, Matthew
Chief Financial Officer and Director of Administration
Phone: (765) 742-4852
McPherson, Melinda
Office of Communications
Social Media and Website Coordinator
Phone: (765) 269-4617
Mescall, Deacon Mike
Phone: (765) 269-4605
Mikesell, Kent
Department of Administration
Maintenance Engineer
Phone: (765) 269-4627
Nunez, Alma
Advocate and Coordinator for Informal Cases
[email protected]
Phone: 765-269-4656
O'Gara, Linda
Ecclesiastical Tribunal
Office Manager & Case Advocate
Phone: (765) 474-0506
O'Herren, Jerriann
Bishop's Office
Executive Assistant to the Bishop Emeritus
Phone: (765) 490-5346
Obermiller, Laura
Bishops Office
Executive Assistant to the Vicar General
Phone: (765) 269-4602
Petan, VE, Father Dominic C.
Vicar for Clergy, Director of the Permanent Diaconate, Director of the Office of Vocations, Director of Seminarian Formation
Phone: (765) 477-0070
Ramer, Cathy
Department of Administration
Staff Accountant
Phone: (765) 269-4621
Rasner, JCL, Father David L.
Ecclesiastical Tribunal
Judicial Vicar and Presiding Judge of the Court of First Instance
Phone: (765) 474-0506
Rush, Deacon Jim
Office of Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations
Diocesan Ecumenical & Interreligious Officer
Phone: (765) 742-2107, ext. 235
Santos, Melissa
Office of Catholic Schools
Assistant Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Phone: (765) 269-4673
Schrader, Rebecca
Bishops House
Sullivan, Jonathan F.
Office of Pastorate Life Services
Pastorate Consultant
Phone: (765) 269-4664
Wade, Jessica
Office of Pastorate Life Services
Pastorate Consultant
Phone: (765) 269-4654
Wetli, Erica
Office of Human Resources
Payroll/Benefits Coordinator
Phone: (765) 269-4623
Winski, Suzanne
Office of Catholic Schools
PowerSchool Administrator
Phone: (765) 269-4612
Young, Trudy Schouten
Office of Catholic Schools
Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Phone: (765) 269-4670