The Directory for Catechesis reminds us that "The bishop's concern for catechetical activity prompts him to... pay close attention to the quality of the texts and tools for catechesis." (no. 114) It falls on the bishop to ensure that the materials and programs being offered in the parishes, schools, and other ministries within the diocese are faithful to Christian doctrine and conform to its expression in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Parishes and Catholic schools are free to choose a published religious education textbook if it has been reviewed by the USCCB's Subcommittee on the Catechism and appears on the USCCB Confirmity List.
Textbooks, DVD programs, and other primary catechetical aids not appearing on the Confirmity List are to be submitted for approval by the Office of Catechesis. Previously reviewed materials approved for use in the diocese may be found below. Materials produced by the USCCB are always considered approved.
For assistance in choosing a catechetical text, contact the Office of Catechesis.
Title | Publisher | Date | Note(s) | Eng/Span |
Adult Formation | ||||
Called & Gifted Charism Discernment | Catherine of Siena Institute | 1993 | Discernment workshop and process | English |
Meeting Christ in Prayer | Loyola Press | 2008 | English | |
Catholicism | Word on Fire | 2011 | DVD, book, and study materials | both |
Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer | Ascension Press | 2012 | DVD and study materials | English |
Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic by Matthew Kelly | Beacon Publishing | 2012 | Free study guide: | both |
Magnificat: A Ministry to Catholic Women | Magnificat Ministries | 2021 | some Spanish | |
Catching Fire, Becoming Flame | Paraclete Press | 2013 | DVD and book | English |
Priest, Prophet, King | Word on Fire | 2014 | DVD and study materials | both |
Why Catholic? | Renew International | 2014 | Four year program | both |
Conversion | Word on Fire | 2015 | DVD and study materials | both |
Catholicism: The Pivotal Players | Word on Fire | 2016 | DVD and study materials | both |
Living Your Strengths: Catholic Edition | Gallup | 2016 | both | |
Bible Studies | ||||
The Great Adventure Bible Studies | Ascension Press | DVDs and study materials | English | |
How Do Catholics Read the Bible? by Daniel J. Harrington, SJ | Rowan & Littlefield | 2005 | Discussion questions in book | English |
Encounter: A Middle School Bible Study | Ascension Press | 2013 | DVD and study materials | English |
Demystifying the Book of Revelation | Paraclete Press | 2015 | DVD | English |
Evangelization and the Kerygma | ||||
Alpha for Catholics | Alpha | both | ||
ChristLife | ChristLife Ministry | both | ||
Acts XXIX | Acts XXIX | 2019 | DVD and study materials | both |
Family-Based Faith Formation | ||||
A Family of Faith | Sophia Institute | 2017 | both | |
FamilyFormation.Net | Church of St. Paul (Ham Lake, MN) | 2007 | both | |
Word of Life | Ignatius Press and Augustine Institute | 2022 | English | |
Liturgical Catechesis & Sacramental Preparation | ||||
Infant Baptism: A Sourcebook for Parishes | Loyola Press | 2002 | Binder | English |
We Believe and Celebrate: Baptism | Sadlier Religion | 2009 | English | |
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass | Ascension Press | 2011 | DVD and study materials | both |
Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation | Ascension Press | 2013 | DVD and book | both |
Decision Point | Dynamic Catholic | 2013 | DVD and book | both |
Your Baby's Baptism | Liguori | 2014 | DVD and book | both |
Alteration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed | Ascension Press | 2015 | DVD and study materials | |
Marriage Preparation and Enrichment | ||||
Joined By Grace | Ave Maria Press | 2016 | DVD and book | English |
Joy-Filled Marriage | Ascension Press | 2017 | DVD and study materials | both |
Outreach Programs | ||||
Faith and Money Matters | Compass Catholic | Video and study materials | both | |
Financial Peace University | Dave Ramsey | 2003 | DVD and study materials | both |
Surviving Divorce: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family | Ascension Press | 2017 | DVD and study materials | English |
Supplemental Youth Catechesis | ||||
Studio 3:16 | Cross Boss Media | 2022 | Online Video | English |
Youth Safe Environment Training | ||||
Circle of Grace | Archdiocese of Omaha | 2018 | both | |
Safe & Sacred Youth Training Program | Proud to Protect | 2018 | English |